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The HB Cap for tenor saxophone by Hérouard & Bénard features an inverted design, providing a secure and even fit that ensures optimal protection for the mouthpiece and ligature. The painted finish not only offers an attractive appearance but also protects against external elements, enhancing durability. With precise craftsmanship, the cap guarantees reliable performance and contributes to the longevity of the instrument - perfect for tenor saxophonists who value both quality and design.
Hérouard Bénard offers a versatile range of high-quality products that combine traditional craftsmanship with modern design. The selection includes finely crafted musical instrument accessories such as mouthpieces and reeds, as well as elegant home décor and decorative objects. Each product stands out for its precise workmanship, durable materials, and timeless aesthetics. With a focus on quality and sustainability, the range caters to discerning customers who value exceptional craftsmanship.

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