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• Hard Rubber Mpc
• without Ligature
• Tip; Opening; 7 (.081")
• Made in FRA
• Hand finished

Martin Fuss (MdW Vienna) about the "Phil Tone" Intrepid" Mouthpieces:

They have varied sound, perfect response and a large dynamic range.
The assertiveness even in large ensembles (like big band for example) is particularly noteworthy!
The characteritics of those mouthpieces is a similar sound, optimal response behavior and, last but not least, by the high manufacturing quality.
I very recommend this Mouthpiece Line of Phil Tone !!
Phil-Tone mouthpieces are individually handcrafted from safe and certified materials. Each mouthpiece is meticulously balanced, adjusted, and extensively tested to ensure optimal performance. At Phil-Tone, each mouthpiece is also evaluated from a musical perspective, ensuring that every player receives the best possible experience.