Statement by Jim Wilt

About his Schagerl C-Trumpet „Wien heavy“
“Through the course of my professional career, which spans about 41 years now, I have had the opportunity to play and own a multitude of rotary valve trumpets. In my quest for the “perfect” instrument, each one has represented an improvement over the previous, in terms of sound quality, intonation and playability. I can say without hesitation that my new Schagerl Wien Heavy C trumpet is the best German trumpet I have played to date. It is incredibly responsive and takes very little effort to project. The intonation is about as good as it gets on a trumpet, rotary or otherwise. I have used it on several occasions already in the orchestra and have been very pleased with the results. Passages that have felt clumsy and prone to intonation problems are greatly improved. It is a joy to play, and this is not hyperbole. Thank you for building such a great instrument.”