Wir gratulieren herzlich Dr. Federico Montes und Kevin Karabell, die mit Ihren Schagerl C-Trompeten BERLIN heavy das Probespiel gewonnen haben!

Dr. Federico Montes hat die Stelle im Omaha Symphony Orchester und Kevin Karabell im Jacksonville Symphony Orchester!

Dr. Federico Montes über sein Instrument:
My Berlin Heavy Z rotary trumpet has everything I ever imagined an incredible rotary trumpet would have. The range and variety of colors available to unlock within it are unimaginable and not to mention its incredible easiness to play and not just to play but to play in tune and fit in with the sound of the orchestra. I have enjoyed playing this horn in various orchestras in North America, not only in concerts but also in auditions since now many orchestras are strongly encouraging or requiring candidates to perform in rotary trumpets. I believe Schagerl has revolutionized the rotary trumpet in the world. 

Kevin Karabell über sein Instrument:
My Schagerl Berlin heavy C trumpet allows me to express myself without any limitations. Regardless of the color, articulation, dynamic, or range I choose to present, this instrument truly allows me to communicate freely. Master craftsmanship allows for an immediate response and beautifully resonant sound.
